Working Papers
The files listed below are for online consultation only. Please do not share, cite, reproduce or otherwise use (either partially or integrally) any file herein contained without explicit authoral consent.
Fonseca, João "The Coupling Argument faced by a Mechanistic-Causal Scientific Psychology: the case for Intracranialism"
Fonseca, João "Why can mental states be reduced to neuroscientific explanations but not eliminated?"
Gonçalves, Jorge "Introspection and the Scientific Study of Consciousness"
Gonçalves, Jorge "Is Lacan's Theory of mirror stage still valid?"
Gonçalves, Jorge "Phenomenal Consciousness and Self-Consciousness in Antonio Damasio"
Gärtner, Klaus "Introspecting Phenomenal Character"
Fonseca, João "The Mind-Body Problem and Current Behavioral-Neuroscience on Fear Conditioning", Neuropsychophysiology Lab (NPL), University of Minho, Braga, November 16th, 2011
mendonça, Dina "Emotions and the Self – A new Suggestion for Taxonomy of Emotion” III Jornadas Internacionais de Jovens Investigadores de Filosofia, University of Évora, June 6th-8th, 2011
Mendonça, Dina “Authenticity, Deepness and Intensities”, Moral Emotions and Intuitions Conference, Hague, Holland, May 25th-27th, 2011
Ramalho, Daniel "Paul Churchland's Call for a Paradigm Shift in Cognitive Science", 1st MLAG Graduate Conference, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP), November 10th-11th, 2011