

Clowes, R. W. & Mendonça, D. (Accepted Under Revision) "Is there still a useful role for representation to play in the context of embodied, dynamicist and situated theories of mind?" New Ideas in Psychology (Under revision: Submitted January 2014, accepted for publication June 2014) 

Clowes, R. W. (In Press). The Reality of the Virtual Self as Interface to the Social World. Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang 

Clowes, R. W. (2014). Thinking in the Cloud: The Cognitive Incorporation of Cloud-Based Technology. Philosophy and Technology. (published online first 10 May 2014 10.1007/s13347-014-0153-z )

Clowes, R. W. (2013). The Cognitive Integration of E-Memory. Review of Philosophy and Psychology(4), 107-133.

Torrance, S., & Clowes, R. W. (2013). Machine Consciousness and Autonomous Agents. In B. Kaldis (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences: Sage.

Chrisley, R., & Clowes, R. W. (2012). Special Issue on Machine Consciousness: Self, Integration and Explanation – Selected Papers from the 2011 AISB Workshop: International Journal of Machine Consciousness. (Co-Editor of Journal Special Issue)  

Chrisley, R., & Clowes, R. W. (2012). GUEST EDITORS´ INTRODUCTION

doi:10.1142/S1793843012020027. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 04(02), 313-323.

Clowes, R. W., & Chrisley, R. (2012). VIRTUALIST REPRESENTATION

doi:10.1142/S179384301240029X. International Journal of Machine Consciousness, 04(02), 503-522.

Clowes, R. W. (2013). The Cognitive Integration of E-Memory. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-27.

Marques, António O Interior – Linguagem e Mente em Wittgenstein, Edições Loyla, São Paulo, 2012 

Marques, António Co- edição e co-prefaciação de Knowledge, Language and Mind, W. de Gruyter, Berlin, 2012, pp. I-X 

Fonseca, João (2014) "'Core-Self' as a Theoretical Concept in Behavioral Neuroscience", in Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.), "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang

Fonseca, J. (2014) “Empirical and conceptual clarifications regarding the notion of ‘Core-Self’ from Gallagher’s and Merker’s Behavioural-Neuroscientific Proposals.” in Gonçalves, J & Fonseca (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Peter Lang

Fonseca, J. (2014) "Functional, computational and neurological considerations of 'Full-Body Illusions' and what they reveal about the nature of the self" Gerner & Gonçalves, (eds) In. The Altered Self and Altered Self Experience“, Peter Lang.


Gonçalves, J. Psiquiatria e Doença Mental in Revista (in)visível número 2 – Loucura  ISSN  2182-4363

Gonçalves, J.“How to define a mental disorder?” Gerner, A. & Gonçalves, J. (eds) . Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience. Norderstedt (Germany): BoD. 296pp ISBN: 978-3-7357-6004-3

Gonçalves, Jorge "Phenomenal Consciousness, Self-Consciousness and Animal Suffering", in Philosophy Study (ISSN 2159-5313), Vol. 2, No. 9 October 2012

Gonçalves, Jorge, Fonseca, João (eds.) (forthcoming) "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang

Gonçalves, Jorge "Is Lacan's theory of mirror stage still valid?", in Psychology Research, Vol 2, No.7, July 2012,  David Publishing

Gonçalves, Jorge (forthcoming) "Core Self and the Illusion of the Self", in Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.), "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang

Vasco Correia, "L’irrationalité (est) naturelle: comment la réduire : Illusions cognitives et stratégies de contrôle épistémique", Archives de Philosophie du droit, nº 55, pp. 165-177.


Correia, Vasco, (forthcoming) "The division of the mind: Paradoxes and Puzzles", in Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.), "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang

Correia, Vasco (forthcoming) “Irracionalidade Motivada e Emoções”, in S. Miguens e S. Cadilha (orgs.), Acção e ética: Conversas sobre Racionalidade Prática, Lisboa, Colibri, 2011 

Correia, Vasco (submitted) "From self-deception to self-control", Philosophical Papers (2011)

Gerner, Alexander (2011) “Diagrammatic Thinking” [Encyclopedia entry], in: Vít Havránek/tranzit (Ed.) Atlas of Transformation: jrp-ringier Zürich 2011, 173-184

Gärtner, Klaus (forthcoming) "How Consciousness Explains the Self", in Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.), "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang

Gerner. A. „Conceptua(2012)l "Personae of the Attentional Self“ in: Fonseca, J. Gonçalves, J., (eds.), "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Peter Lang Frankfurt 300p.

Clowes, R. & Mendonça, D. "Is there still a useful role for representation to play in the context of embodied, dynamicist and situated theories of mind?" New Ideas in Psychology (Under revision: Submitted January 2014, accepted for publication June 2014) 

Gärtner, Klaus “How Consciousness explains the Self”, in: Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.) Philosophical Perspectives on the Self, Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang 

Mendonça, D. “Meta-Emotions and Argumentation: some effects for Decision and Action" (submitted for publication May 2013 to Axiomathes in a special issue dedicated to the International Conference “Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and Tasks, December 4th-6th 2013

Mendonça, D. “Surpresa e Identidade” O Corpo – Memória e Identidade (Surprise and Identity) (ed. José Viegas Brás & Maria Neves Gonçalves) Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas,  pp. 49-68. 2014 

Mendonça, D. “Emotions and Altered Self “Gerner, A. & Gonçalves, J. (eds)  Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience. Norderstedt (Germany): BoD. 296pp ISBN: 978-3-7357-6004-3 

Mendonça, D. “Acrasia, Empatia e autoconhecimento” (Acrasy, Empathy and self knowledge) Actas do 5º Simpósio do Serviço de Psiquaitria do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE, “Afectos, Emoções e Cognições”, Logos, Revista do Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE, Junho 2013, Vol. 11 – nº1, pp. 26-36.

Mendonça, D. “Feelings and the Self” in Philosophical Perspectives on Self  (editors Fonseca, João & Gonçalves, Jorge) série “Lisbon Philosophical Studies  300 páginas Peter Lang, Berna, no prelo

Mendonça, D. Emotions about Emotions” Emotion Review vol.5, No.4 (October 2013) 1-7

Mendonça, D. “Existential Feelings – How Cinema Makes Us Feel Alive” Cinema - Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image (2013)

Mendonça, D. (2013) Review “A Study of a Vice by Craig Taylor”   Jan 8th  (Volume 17, Issue 2) McGill Queens University Press

Mendonça, Dina (forthcoming) "Pattern of Sentiment - Following a Deweyan Suggestion”, Transactions of Charles Peirce Society

Mendonça, Dina (2014) "Feelings and the Self", in Gonçalves, J., Fonseca, J. (eds.), "Philosophical Perspectives on the Self", Frankfurt, New York, Peter Lang

Mendonça, Dina (submitted) "Emotions about Emotions”, Emotion Review (2011)

Ramalho, Daniel (forthcoming) "Challenging Dennett's Conception of Narrative Self", The Self - One-Day Graduate Conference (proceedings), Royal Institute of Philosophy, University of the West of England, Bristol, February 24th, 2012 

Ramalho, Daniel (forthcoming) "Paul Churchland's Call for a Paradigm Shift in Cognitive Science", 1st MLAG Graduate Conference (proceedings), Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP), November 10th-11th, 2011

Hipólito, I. (2014) "Multisensory Integration: A Neurophilosophical account of Biology of Perception and Loss of Self-evidence in disorders of disintegration" in Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives. Austria: De Gruyter

Pereira, V., Hipólito, I., & Gonçalves, J. (Forthcoming) ."Self as Other, Others as Selves: Self and Other as mutually dependent concepts." in J. Gonçalves & A. Gerner (Eds.) Self and the Social

Hipólito, I. (2014). 
"On Autism and Interaction Theories of the Self". In Gerner, A. Gonçalves, J. (eds.) Altered Self and Altered Self-Experience, Norderstedt: BoD, 204 (296 pp.) ISBN 978-3-7357-6004-3

Hipólito, I. (2013)."He even feigns the pain of the pain he feels in fact: Wittgenstein and Pessoa on Other's Minds and Pain" in Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Annalisa Coliva, Volker A. Munz. Mind, Language and Action, Proceedings on the 36th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium. ed. Austria: OntosVerlag / De Gruyter

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