Permanent Seminar
The Permanent Seminar is an open forum dedicated to the presentation of original talks. It has two fundamental aims: to allow project members to present their work in progress and open it to discussion, and to conjoin several perspectives from specialists from different institutions and disciplinary backgrounds. This second desideratum is directly related to a fundamental concern of the present project, which is to establish links and bridges between seemingly unrelated methodological perspectives on the Self.
16th May, 2014
11h30-13h, Sala 0.04
Conceito de Self na Filosofia, Psicologia e Neurociências: Dados preliminares de um estudo qualitativo
6th December, 2013 - Presented by Inês Hipólito, Jorge Gonçalves e Vera Pereira
“Si e Espelho”
Resumo: Remontam a Darwin as observações sobre a relação da criança e dos animais com a imagem no espelho. Na sequência dessas observações diversos estudos sobre o espelho foram realizados. O psicólogo Henri Wallon falou em “prova do espelho”(1931) e Jacques Lacan cunhou a expressão “estádio do espelho”(1936). Gordon Gallup, já nos anos 70, desenvolveu o chamado “teste do espelho”. Relacionado com esta temática, os neurocientistas descobriram, entretanto, os “neurónios espelho”. Nesta sessão pretendemos apresentar a relação entre o espelho e o conceito de “si” (em inglês, self). Partimos do princípio que o que está em causa no entendimento da imagem do espelho é o reconhecimento de si mesmo. Com esse objectivo apresentaremos as perspectivas de Henri Wallon, Jacques Lacan, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gordon G. Gallup, Beulah Amsterdam, Philippe Rochat, Dan Zahavi e Vittorio Gallese.
18th October, 2013 - Presented by Inês Hipólito and Vera Pereira
Title: Autismo e o Self
Hobson, P.R. (2011). Autism and the Self. In S. Gallagher (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of The Self (pp. 571-591). New York: Oxford University Press
Baron-Cohen, S., Leslie, A.M, & Frith, U. (1985). Does the autistic child have a “theory of mind”? Cognition, 21, 37-46.
Uddin, L.Q. (2011). The self in autism: An emerging view from neuroimaging. Neurocase, 17(3), 201-208.
Cummings, L. (2005). Pragmatics: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
20th September, 2013 - Presented by Robert Clowes
26th July, 2013 - Presented by Marcin Miłkowski
Some of animal behavior can be explained by appeal to their internal or mental representations. For example, it is usually agreed that rats are capable of path integration (even in complete darkness, and when immersed in a water maze) because they maintain a cognitive map of their environment. Exactly how and why neural states give rise to mental representations is a matter of an ongoing debate. The purpose of my talk is to show that anticipatory mechanisms involved in rats’ cognitive maps meet Ramsey’s (2007) “job description challenge”: it is clear in what way they are representationally relevant for explaining and predicting rats behavior.
First, I introduce the idea of anticipatory representational mechanisms, which is used to analyze the current research in ethology, cognitive science, and neuroscience. Representational mechanisms (Miłkowski, 2013) have at least the following capacities: (a) referring to the target (if any) of the representation; (b) identifying the characteristics target; (c) evaluating the epistemic value of information about the target. While the first two capacities bear close resemblance to traditional notions of extension and intension, the third one is supposed to link the representational mechanism with the work of the agent or system that peruses it. Such mechanisms are representational in that that they enable the system to detect that it is in error (via evaluation of the epistemic value) and they are prone to misidentification of targets because of the referential opacity. Both aspects, namely system-detectable error and referential opacity, are the basis for the causal relevance of content in representational mechanisms.
The anticipatory representational mechanisms have an additional capacity to anticipate the future characteristics of the represented target. Anticipatory capacities are posited widely in current cognitive science (Pezzulo, 2008, 2011) and they have deep connections with Rosen’s anticipatory systems (Rosen, 1991, 2012). I will claim that anticipatory mechanisms in my sense meet Ramsey’s challenge, and that taxis behavior in animals does not. This suggests that the presence of anticipation is also strong evidence for the presence of representation in observed animals. In particular, the role of error detection (for which there is partial neurological evidence in rats) will be stressed.
28th May, 2013 - Presented by Nuno Miguel Proença
Title: Ipseidade e pulsão
Se a metapsicologia freudiana e os seus modelos tópicos elaboram por várias vezes as noções de pulsão, de afecto e de inconsciente, parecem fazê-lo sempre num esforço de objectividade e respondendo a perguntas organizadas em torno da questão: “o que é?” a vida psíquica, quando aquelas que dizem respeito à ipseidade humana se organizam em torno da questão: “quem é “ este ser vivo?
A ideia de uma psicologia científica (onde há lugar para a pulsão como representante dos dinamismos corporais, mas não parece haver lugar para a ipseidade) parece ser contraditória nos seus próprios termos e o homo natura freudiano parece não ser um homem real provido de nome e de história, mas ser antes uma ideia abstracta, ou um postulado da pesquisa científica naturalista, e no entanto é precisamente o si-próprio que o trabalho clínico da psicanálise pretende fazer aparecer em lugar de uma pulsão anónima.
Vamos retomar este debate tendo em conta os argumentos de Binswanger e de Henry Maldiney.
May 3rd, 2013 - Presented by Inês Hipólito
Title: "Minds of Others: how do we share this experiences? The Self and Self Reference"
The purpose of the present lecture is to study how is that possible that we can share our experiences with the “minds of others”, for this determination we will considerate Wittgenstein’s self-reference concept, in order to understand and clarify his thesis about “one’s pain” - the kinship between a groan and an avowal of pain - as the core tie between the inner and the outer.
Wittgenstein deals with the self, or more perspicuously, with the aspects of the use of the word “I” and “my” analysing the concept of the “visual room”, interpreting that “only I have got THIS” (§398) as an illusion. Since one cannot see one’s mental images or visual impressions, one does not have something that one’s neighbours may not equally have.
By way of carrying out this task, we will consider Fernando Pessoa’s theme “poetic pretense”. With the analyses of “Autopsychography” we shall try to shed some light on Wittgenstein’s considerations of pain. Fernando Pessoa, using poetic language builds the later stages of construction of the inner worlds through the heteronomy. Heteronyms explore the outside world and carry the symbols of this world to the interior, doubling it. In language games, poetic words cannot be restricted to a univocal meaning, given that, nothing that is said has to be demonstrated, and even if it were, it would be in the field of the imagination.
Several conceptual complexities approach Wittgenstein and Fernando Pessoa, not only in the language field, but especially in how both perceive the issues relating to the sharing inner selves, in other words, “bringing worlds together". "
Hacker, P. M. S. (1990) Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind. Oxford: Blackwell
Wittgenstein, L. (1958) The Blue and Brown Books, Oxford: Blackwell
Wittgenstein, L. (1961) Notebooks 1914-16, ed. G. H. von Wright and G. E. M. Anscombe, tr. G. E. M. Anscombe, Oxford: Blackwell
Wittgenstein, L. (1979), Wittgenstein's Lectures, Cambridge 1932-35, from the notes of Alice Ambrose and Margaret MacDonald, ed. Alice Ambrose, Oxford: Blackwell
Wittgenstein, L. (1968), Wittgenstein's Notes for Lectures on "Private Experience" and "Sense Data", ed. R. Rhees, Philosophical Review, 77, pp. 275-320.
Wittgenstein, L. (2009), Philosophical Investigations, trans. G. E. M. Ascombe, P. M. S. Hacker, Joachim Schulte, Oxford: Blackwell
April 5th, 2013 - Presentation by Alexander Gerner
Title: "Thomas Fuchs notion of schizophrenia as self- disorder of disembodiment"
For Thomas Fuchs (2012) non "neuro-constructivist" account of the self that interprets schizophrenia as a self disorder of disembodiment, the increasing retreat of the self from the mediated experiential sphere of the lived body leaves alienated perception and action fragments behind that are no longer "inhabited" by the self. The patients stay outside of their own perceptions and actions, while these increasingly decompose. The patient's own strange fragments of perceiving, thinking and acting face them as if being from the outside, as seemingly from anonymous powers caused sensations, controlled movements or inserted thoughts.
Fuchs, T. (2012). “Selbst und Schizophrenie”. DZPhil 60 (6), 887-901
Fuchs, T. (2011). "Hirnwelt oder Lebenswelt? Zur Kritik des Neurokonstruktivismus" DZPhil 59 (3), 347-358
Fuchs, T. (2010). "The Psychopathology of Hyperreflexivity". Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 24 (3), 239-255
Fuchs, T. (2010). "Phenomenology and Psychopathology". D. Schmicking and S. Gallagher (eds.), Handbook of Phenomenology and Cognitive Science, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-2646-0_28, 547-573
March 22nd, 2013 - Presentation by Alexander Gerner
Title: Notes on "phenomenological-ecological" notions of the "self"
Firstly some general introductory remarks on Thomas Fuchs critic of neurobiological reductionism in his recent book “The brain- a mediating organ”(2012a) will be given.
Secondly I will introduce Fuchs phenomenological- ecological notions of the self in which he refers to phenomenological, developmental psychological and neuroscientific concepts and distinguishes the following basic forms of Self-experience, namely (1) the basic, pre-reflexive or bodily self grounded on both a) ipsiety and b) an ecological lived experience- a sensomotoric relation between the self and “Umwelt” mediated by the lived body and its embodied habits. By this structural pairing of the lived body and its complementary surrounding the basic self becomes an embodied spatial “ecological self” (Neisser 1988). For Fuchs in paralell to this ecological self by sensomotoric interaction with its surrounding, the “social self “ (a self-with-others) develops by relations and interactions of intercorporality in the first months of life. (2) the extended, reflexive or personal self, characterized by the aspects of (a) capacity of taking on the perspective of the other (Perspektivenübernahme), (b) the capacity of introspective or reflexive self-consciousness, (c) a capacity of verbalisation of its own experience, (d) the creation of coherent narrative Identities and a (f) a self-concept by obtaining conceptual and autobiographic self- knowledge.
Fuchs, T. (20124a). Das Gehirn – Ein Beziehungsorgan. Eine phänomenologisch-ökologische Konzeption. 4 akt.erweitert. Auflage, Kohlhammer: Stuttgart
Fuchs, T. (2012b). “Selbst und Schizophrenie”. DZPhil 60 (6), 887-901
March 8th, 2013 - Presentation by Robert Clowes
Title: The Cognitive Integration of E-Memory
Download the article here.
January 30th, 2013 - Workshop Interdisciplinar
Speakers: Vera Pereira, Joana Teixeira, Alexander Gerner
Title: Workshop "Alterações da Experiência de Si" (poster)
Download the workshop programme here
December 21st, 2012 - presentation by Rodrigo de Sá-Saraiva
Title: "Filosofia Natural do Eu- evolução do Si e da Persona"
Download the abstract for this presentation here
November 7th, 2012 - Workshop Interdisciplinar
Speakers: Jorge Gonçalves, Ciro Oliveira, Robert Clowes, Gustavo Jesus, Dina Mendonça
Title: "Patologia do Si"
Download the workshop programme here
July 29th, 2012 - presentation by Jorge Gonçalves and Robert Clowes
Title: Presentation of the book Schizophrenia and the Fate of the Self, (Lysaker, P & Lysaker, J, 2008)
Download first three chapters of the book here
July 27th, 2012 - presentation by Jorge Gonçalves
Title: Presentation of the book The Disordered Mind: An Introduction to Philosophy of. Mind and Mental Illness, (Graham, G, 2010)
Abstract: Neste livro George Graham argumenta a favor de uma posição realista face às doenças mentais (mental disorders): elas existem por si independentemente da teoria que se tenha sobre elas. Ele contrapõe-se assim ao cepticismo que nega a existência de doenças mentais e que tem duas fontes. Uma é a posição do reducionismo neurológico segundo a qual toda a doença é neuronal, física. Sem ser dualista filosoficamente Graham defende que se devem distinguir doenças puramente neurológicas (ex: Alzheimar) de doenças mentais (ex: esquizofrenia). Outra fonte de cepticismo parte de autores como Thomas Szasz e da corrente conhecida como anti-psiquiatria. Eles afirmam que a doença mental, contrariamente às doenças físicas, é um conceito meramente ético ou ideológico. Contra eles Graham sustenta que as doenças físicas também têm implícitos valores, embora de modo menos controverso. A definição de doença mental que o autor propõe fundamenta-se em dois conceitos básicos da Filosofia da Mente e que segundo ele delimitam a mentalidade: consciência e intencionalidade. O seu modelo constrói-se com base numa analogia com a experiência de pensamento conhecida como "véu da ignorância" de John Rawls. Enquanto este procura as normas morais fundamentais que devem orientar uma sociedade justa, Graham procura as faculdades psicológicas básicas (transculturais) necessárias para uma vida digna. A doença mental definir-se-ia pelo dano existente numa ou mais destas faculdades
Download chapter 6 of the book (The Disordered Mind) here
June 5th, 2012 - presentation by Brian Keeley
Title: "Making Sense of the Senses' Redux"
Abstract: "A decade ago, I argued for what I called a "neuroethological approach" to understanding how to individuate the senses. This approach takes the biological science that seeks to explore the neural basis of natural behaviors as its starting point, for example, in the almost 150 year path from the first proposal that animals might use electricity to perceive their environment to the mid-20th century arrival at the consensus that a number of fish, sharks, skates and rays possess this nonhuman sensory modality. I now argue that this biological understanding of the senses is but _one_ of many related, but different, explanations of the senses that we find in scientific and lay accounts of the sensory modalities. Embracing such a pluralism raises the problem of what unifies them; that is, what is it that makes all of these different accounts accounts _of the senses_? I argue that most, if not all, of them share a basic schematic structure reflected by the generic use of the term "modality" in these contexts. I will present that schema and show how it applies to a couple of different approaches to the senses."
April 27th, 2012 - presentation by Caio Novaes
Title: "O que pode o corpo a partir de Nietzsche? Considerações para Ciência da Motricidade Humana"
Abstract: Recent years have seen an explosion in the production and use of technologies that allow us to record, store and recall ever increasing amounts of information about our lives. Some welcome these trends as offering new possibilities for self-understanding and expression. Others think that things have already gone too far and worry deeply about what the future might hold. Does Mem-tech really promise (or threaten) a radical change to the cognitive profile of human beings?If so, how are we to assess the possibilities and attempt to understand whether they offer a hopeful or dangerous turn in the human condition? This paper attempts to develop a balanced understanding of current trends of mem-tech and also consider some of its more probable future trends. In so doing it identifies four factors about the new memory devices: capaciousness, incorporability, autonomy and entanglement that suggest, not just technical, but important psychological implications.
April 13rd, 2012 - presentation by Robert Clowes
Title: "Hybrid Memory, Cognitive Technology and Self"
Abstract: Recent years have seen an explosion in the production and use of technologies that allow us to record, store and recall ever increasing amounts of information about our lives. Some welcome these trends as offering new possibilities for self-understanding and expression. Others think that things have already gone too far and worry deeply about what the future might hold. Does Mem-tech really promise (or threaten) a radical change to the cognitive profile of human beings? If so, how are we to assess the possibilities and attempt to understand whether they offer a hopeful or dangerous turn in the human condition? This paper attempts to develop a balanced understanding of current trends of mem-tech and also consider some of its more probable future trends. In so doing it identifies four factors about the new memory devices: capaciousness, incorporability, autonomy and entanglement that suggest, not just technical, but important psychological implications.
March 16th, 2012 - presentation by João Gama Marques (1), Gustavo Jesus(1), Rafael Costa(1), José Miguel Jara(1), Rui Durval(2)
(1) Psychiatry intern at the Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa
(2) Graduate Assistant Psychiatrist at the Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa
Title : "Concepts of Self: from Philosophy to the Neurosciences, through Psychiatry"
Abstract: What is the Self? The tentative answer is as old as Mankind. Defining Self has been object of controversy and debate but the authors of this talk do not foresee a simple solution for such a complex problem. With this work a transversal and longitudinal reflection is aimed, considering the evolution of the concept, first at the hands of Philosophers, then Psychiatrists, and more recently Neuroscientists. Starting from a recent article by W. Chiong, firstly the authors will briefly recall the main Philosophy schools that discussed on the concept of Self in the last four centuries. Secondly the Psychiatrists opinion on the Self will be revised. Then some recent input from Neurosciences will be added to this idea. Finally some examples of mental illness and (possible) disturbances of Self will be presented. At the end there will be a discussion on this matter which, far from being settled, keeps fascinating thinkers thinkers from various fields of contemporary science.
February 3rd, 2012 - presentation by Sofia Miguens
Title: "Questões do self e por que não convém confundi-las - proposta de uma tipologia"
Abstract: As questões do self abarcam tópicos que na literatura aparecem sob títulos que vão desde consciência a auto-referência, auto-conhecimento, identidade pessoal, e mesmo existência. A minha proposta é que se mantenha clara uma distinção entre 1) questões cognitivas que são relativas a centro, unidade, controle e apercebimento, 2) questões semântico-epistemológicas que são relativas à auto-identificação, auto-referência e auto-conhecimento 3) questões metafísicas que são relativas à persistência de ‘pessoas’ e 4) questões (narrativas e existenciais), que são relativas à auto-criação (a importância, para mim, de eu ser eu). Falar de ‘ficção’, por exemplo, a ter sentido, só tem sentido em 4, e não em 1, 2, ou 3. Para tratar as questões 4 precisamos de conceitos que vêm da filosofia moral e do pensamento de autores como Nietzsche ou B. Williams, enquanto as questões 1 são do âmbito da ciência cognitiva.
December 9th, 2011 - presentation by Carlos Dias (Psychoanalyst and Professor of Psychology at University of London, Goldsmiths College)
Title: "A teoria psicanalítica do Ego de Ronald Fairbairn"
Abstract: Ronald Fairbairn introduziu modificações na teoria freudiana, sendo um dos criadores da chamada "teoria das relações de objecto". Segundo a sua teoria existe um "eu" (ego) presente desde o nascimento. Ele desloca a tónica freudiana da "pulsão" e do "instinto" para o "eu" e para as relações interpessoais ("relações de objecto"). Substitui igualmente a tradicional divisão mental entre "Id", "Eu" e "Super-eu" por divisões entre partes do "eu". As divisões (splitting) do "eu" são um conceito muito importante para compreender a esquizofrenia, do ponto de vista psicanalítico.
November 25, 2011 - presentation by Klaus Gärtner
Title: "Introspection, the phenomenal character and the Self"
Abstract: Introspection is a problematic topic. Still, it seems no matter what decisions we make, introspection will continue to have an influence on how we study conscious experiences and the self. But this might be no longer true. Recently, Eric Schwitzgebel came up with the thesis that introspection is not a singular process but a plurality of processes. If this is the case, any form of introspection might be at risk. In this paper I want to explore if this radical idea really affects all accounts of introspection. The strategy can be described as ‘case studies’. I want to identify a particular target of introspection – namely the phenomenal character of experiences – , explain the problem posted by Schwitzgebel and see if it applies. After that I want to repeat the procedure, substituting the phenomenal character of experiences for the self. I will conclude that the possibility for introspection depends on the complexity of the target. In the case of the phenomenal character of experiences the plurality thesis is no thread. But introspection – as method – is impossible to sustain when the self is the target.
Visit the Audio page to listen to this session's podcast.
November 11th, 2011 - presentation by Jorge Gonçalves
Title: "Is Lacan’s theory of mirror stage still valid?"
Abstract: Neste artigo pretendo comparar a teoria do self exposta em "Le stade du miroir comme formateur de la fonction du Je" (in Écrits, 1966 Éditions du Seuil) de Jaccques Lacan na sua primeira fase com as modernas teorias do minimal self. Sustento que para Lacan existe a mente sem consciência de si nos primeiros meses da vida humana e que o "eu"/self forma-se a partir da percepção do outro. Esta teoria está em discordância com as actuais teorias, de Shaun Gallagher e outros, segundo as quais existe um sentido minimal de self (si) inato. No entanto, a minha posição é a de que a teoria de Lacan não está ultrapassada. Para justificar isso apoio-me em teorias e experiência que sustentam que o nos primeiros meses de vida não há sentimento de self/si mas apenas mecanismos auto-regulatórios que darão origem ao self/si.
Visit the Audio page to listen to this session's podcast.
August 14th, 2011 - presentation by Jorge Gonçalves
Title: "Consciência Fenoménica e Consciência de si em António Damásio"
Abstract: Ned Block preocupou-se grandemente em desambiguar o conceito de consciência e fixou os conceitos de “consciência fenoménica”, “consciência de acesso” e “consciência de si”. Na recensão que ele fez ao último livro de Damásio (Self Comes to Mind) considera que este faz depender a consciência fenoménica da consciência de si. Esta dependência teria conduzido Damásio a diversos problemas teóricos, por exemplo, quando se trata de explicar situações como os estados vegetativos (estudados por Owen e Laureys) ou os sonhos. Além disso, a conclusão lógica da sua teoria é que animais como galinhas e vacas não deverão ter consciência e nesse caso não será anti-ético a sua brutalização. Tento sustentar que se bem que Damásio tenha algumas incongruências na sua expressão a sua teoria é coerente na explicação e não conduz necessariamente a uma posição anti-ética.
July 1st, 2011 - presentation by Dina Mendonça
Title: "Emotions and the Self - New suggestion for a taxonomy of Emotion"
Abstract: The paper proposes that establishing a connection between the concept of core self with the narrative self provides a way to better grasp the dynamic nature of emotions and suggests a surprising novel contribution for emotion taxonomy.The first part of the paper establishes the theoretical background. Both self and emotions are at the center of much philosophical debate and there are on going debates and disagreements and many unclear issues on both topics. All philosophers recognize how crucial the notion of self is for emotional processes, that is, to be emotionally aroused is to feel the self implicated in some way. The everlasting difficulties of emotional taxonomy make the understanding of this crucial relationship hard to grasp. Using a situational approach to defining the notion of both core and narrative self are given as to highlight their different advantages for emotion study the first part indicates in which ways emotion can actually serve as the mode to connect these two notions of selfhood.The second part of the paper contrasts and compares three emotions seen through the core self and the narrative self: fear, joy and pride. The analysis of the comparison shows the limits and advantages of emotional analysis using solely one of the definitions of self and, most importantly, how certain emotions in the core self can be seen and understood under different emotional processes in the narrative self. The outcome of the comparison is a novel suggestion for emotion taxonomy. Concluding that establishing connection between different emotion labels of core self and narrative self may hold the key for a better understanding of both the self as well as how emotion taxonomy can be attained.
June 17th, 2011 - presentation by António Ferreira (PhD student in Political Science at FSCH-UNL)
Title: "Michel Foucault – saber e poder na construção do Self"
Abstract: A construção do self é directamente tematizada por Foucault no Seminário ocorrido na Universidade de Vermont em Outubro de 1982, porém, ao longo da sua obra, podemos encontrar múltiplos elementos que nos permitem postular a identidade do si e a sua construção, seja na tematização da Vontade de Saber (Vol. I),do Uso dos Prazeres(Vol. II), ou do Cuidar de Si (Vol. III) nas suas diferentes formas, que desenvolve ao longo da sua História da Sexualidade, seja na relevância que aí confere ao corpo pelo papel que lhe atribui na construção da identidade. Por outro lado, a forma como aborda a genealogia do poder (Surveiller et Punir, É Preciso Defender a Sociedade, por exemplo), ou melhor, dos poderes e a sua dinâmica na interrelação com a arqueologia do saber, encontra-se a base do reconhecimento do sujeito enquanto actor e resultado de uma cadeia de poderes e que entrecruzam e hierarquizam e, assim, facultam um quadro que nos permite, porventura, problematizar o processo de construção da identidade em Foucault.
May 27th, 2011 - presentation by Jorge Gonçalves
Title: “Introspection and Scientific Study of Consciousness"
Abstract: A introspecção é um método de estudo da mente e do comportamento que a Psicologia Científica tentou reduzir ao máximo, devido aos problemas relacionados com a sua objectividade e validação. No entanto, quando se trata de estudar a consciência e o self, os dados objectivos do comportamento e da neurociência não são suficientes (como se pode ver por exemplo no último livro de António Damásio). Deste modo, há uma reabilitação do método introspectivo. Nesta apresentação pretendo discutir, a partir de um texto enviado, os principais problemas que se colocam ao método introspectivo."
April 24th, 2011 - presentation by Diana Soeiro
Title: “Fernando Pessoa e os limites de um conceito de Self”
Abstract: Fernando Pessoa criou prosa, poesia e drama. Deu a conhecer de si: Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis, Bernarndo Soares (e também Barão deTeive, Alexander Search, entre outros) nomes que se tornaram incontornáveis na literatura portuguesa. Podemos considerar estes nomes como uma experiência de divisão de uma unidade prévia a que podemos chamar self? Ou pelo contrário,todos os nomes remetem para uma unidade a que podemos chamar self? Em alternativa a uma consideração do conceito de self a partir do “narrativo” (A. Rudd) e “episódico”(G. Strawson) proponho uma abordagem que toma como ponto de partida as questões: 1) em Fernando Pessoa temos um sujeito de enunciação ou vários?; 2) qual a relação entre uma enunciação e a atribuição de um nome próprio?; 3) que correspondência é possível fazer entre sujeito e self? Com Fernando Pessoa, proponho dizer que o self é um mito. Mas se assim é, quem diz o dizível, quem esconde o dizível, e quem cala o indizível? Dito de outra forma, e isto é o que ponho a discussão: é o self um mito que podemos dispensar?
March 11th, 2011 - presentation by Annie Petrosyan (neuroscientist and Auxiliary Professor of the Psychology Department of Universidade do Minho)
Title: ''Life extension: lessons from Drosophila''
Abstract: Life extension is a recent and rapidly growing area of research in behavioral genetics. DNA-altered mutants in a number of species have been shown to live as much as 40% longer than wild-type or their own parental lines. For mammals, a life-extended mouse-mutant has been identified based on work from invertebrate life extended strains, including Drosophila and C-elegans, which demonstrates the generalizability of life extension biological pathways and the conservation of the relevant DNA code across a wide range of species (Migliaccio et al., 1999; Lithgow and Anderson, 2000). Since biological and biochemical pathways, that result in life extension in simpler organisms, have been proven to be relevant to life extension in humans as well, understanding how sensory, motor, or memory functions in these species are affected by life extension is of considerable importance especially toward latter stages of their lifespan. There is virtually no information available on such abilities in life-extended mutants of Drosophila. Furthermore, it is essential to examine locomotive and other behavioral abilities in different mutations under different environmental conditions to verify the quality of the life extension as well. Additionally, leading research paradigms, primary to life extension as well as behavioral and physiological enhancement, have not yet been explored in conjunction with environmental factors in different life extended strains of Drosophila.